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Folding director’s chair, teak – navy blue, Marine Business

Marine Business
Артикул: MB63011AZ

The chair stands out for being HAND MADE in an exhaustive manufacturing process. It is foldable so takes up very little space.

€ 445
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Folding director’s chair hand-made from the highest quality teak.
The Marine Business collection of teak tables and chairs is hand-made using the finest teak available on the market: High-quality legal teak that is certified to have followed the regulations to conserve the ecosystem of Indonesia.
The quality of the chosen teak guarantees resistance to harsh weather conditions. All pieces are treated with a specific varnish for greater resistance to UV rays and salt water.
The folding teak director’s chair has a colourless varnish to bring out the natural colour.
The seats and back are made from olefin, a water-repellent fabric that is 100% resistant to UV rays (it doesn’t lose its colour). It can be washed with bleach even in dark colours.
The teak chairs are ideal for boats as they are foldable and take up little space.


Units: 1 un
Material: Teak & Olefin
Dimensions: 52x48x90cm

Usage instructions


Teak is one of the most weather-resistant woods.

To clean it, fresh water and neutral soap can be used, together with a natural scouring pad (esparto). Clean well and leave to dry.

Teak is treated for 1 year. After that time a new coat of teak oil can be applied. This should be done with a cloth and in several coats, leaving enough time between coats for the wood to absorb the oil (about 24 hours). The oil penetrates the wood and acts as a barrier to dirt and moisture.

Olefin fabric:

Bleach may be used in the wash.

Avoid the iron, only use at a very low temperature.

Anti-allergenic and recyclable fabric.


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Folding director’s chair, teak – navy blue, Marine Business
Folding director’s chair, teak – navy blue, Marine Business


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