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PME Mare


PME Mare operates in the field of recreational boating accessories designing and producing highly innovative and technological mooring, anchoring and recovery systems: the answer to the boat owner's need to be able to dock his boat in a simple and quick way and to monitor the position of the anchor, a serious aid which improves the safety of boating. Thanks to an inner R&D dept. PME Mare customizes the service and product based on real needs.

Clik EASY - the first sinking buoy with remote-controlled lift to be used for the recovery of the mooring line, without sliding it from one end of the boat to the other CLIK is a device that does not hamper transiting boats and does not come into contact with the propellers because it does not remain on the surface: this buoy, connected to the end of the moorings, sinks with them at their release, and rises to the surface called by the command, housed inside MHOOK-e. CLIK holds a self-winding belt, that is connected via a carabiner to the mooring line.
CLIK is a patented product, completely made in Italy

GRIPPY is a highly technological anchor buoy and at the same time simple and intuitive to use. Produced with a refined design, it is completely made in Italy
Available in 4 versions:
GRIPPY BASIC: Made in Italy quality at the right price
GRIPPY LIGHT: Full optional anchor buoy
GRIPPY HEAVY: The buoy specific for weighty anchors
GRIPPY ABR: Equipped with a revolutionary technology

GO! UP is the first patented diving buoy specifically designed for sport and professional fishing. It can match the classic floating buoy, used for the recovery of fish-traps, fishing nets, etc.
GO!UP, protected beneath the surface of the water prevents tampering, theft or damage to your fishing gear. It emerges on the surface thanks to command and does not require any installation on the boat. It covers all needs by being fully programmable.



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