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Aeffe s.r.l. stems from a strong business spirit and passion for underwater robotic technology. Its beating heart is its team, which boasts technicians highly skilled in a wide range of fields: from electronics to mechanical design, from computer science to underwater technology. Having reached technical and commercial success with the KeelCrab underwater drones (European patent), today the company finds its core competency in underwater mechatronics.

Highly specialized in cutting-edge design and construction techniques, the strength lies in constant technologic and eco-friendly research and development, understanding of markets, products tailored to the needs of our customers, customer feedback in the product improvement process, and speed.

Underwater mechatronics: the real value
Aeffe s.r.l. the mission is providing eco-friendly, efficient and cost-effective solutions, in order to solve the maintenance and fouling problems for hull boat, pool and aquarium tank. The company promote a worldwide network of professional services that use our technology and help us spreading a new paradigm in nautical and underwater maintenance.


2009 - First European patent: a robotic device for cleaning boat hulls
2011 - European A.N.C.C.P. certification
2014 - ADI award at the Genoa International Motor Show
2015 - 20 beta series prototypes
2017 - Keelcrab sail one raised 85,000 euros for Keelcrab Sail-one pre-orders received by the crowdfunding rewards indiegogo.com campaign
2018 - The company raised € 252,000 as investments received by the crowdfunding 200crowd.com equity campaign
2019 - The company raised 50,000 euros as investments received by SME instrument Grant phase 1 H2020
2020 - Keelcrab Aquapool: swimming pool cleaning drone developed after ten years of experience in the nautical sector


Keelcrab is in fact much more than an instrument, it is a worldwide network created by revolutionaries who have built their lives around their passion for the sea and for navigation, making it a job.


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